Leanware has joined forces with software company Expak Systems Oy and PR Logisticar Oy. Fusion means merging, and in the same way, the Expak and Logisticar software merge well with Leanware solutions. Together we have 70 years of experience combined, from which we can gain significant synergy benefits and endless possibilities.
As an expert in supply chain management (SCM), Expak is developing a customizable packaged software for the management of wholesale trade, special trade and manufacturing industry supply chains. Information on Expak support and user manual can be found here.
Logisticar, who specializes in supply chain management improvement, training and software solutions, offers versatile tools for making operations more efficient.
Leanware is a software company that specializes in information systems for commerce, industry and logistics. The exhaustingly long list of skills shows that we can provide expertise and working solutions.
Together we can offer a comprehensive selection of solutions for supply chain management and reporting. The combination creates a unique solution selection that offers a consistent service solution covering everything from procurement to internal logistics. Using our strong expertise, we develop future solutions for more transparent and efficient supply chain management, which benefits both our current and future customers.
SCM is a unique solution for supply chain management, monitoring, transparency as well as reporting and analyzing.
Tutustu Leanware SCM