GENELEC’s production-related material flows are controlled by LeanwareWMS

Genelec is world’s leading developer and manufacturer of monitoring loudspeaker systems headquartered in Iisalmi, Finland. The company has grown steadily over the past few years. Today, loudspeakers are exported to more than 100 countries worldwide. Genelec has made significant investments towards their factory in Iisalmi. In January 2020, the new factory expansion will be taken into use – cause for celebration.

Genelec chose Leanware as their partner for developing production-related materials logistics back in 2018. Collaboration started with development of material logistics processes, followed by implementation of the Warehouse Management System (WMS). LeanwareWMS controls material flows from reception to dispatch-center throughout the factory. Compact lifts to be located in the factory expansion will also be controlled by LeanwareWMS.

“We are very proud of our partnership with a Finnish company like Genelec. The entire project has been interesting, and it is great to follow the company’s progress in the coming years as well,” says Miikka Aira, Sales Director at Leanware.

“We surveyed different partner options, and in the end Leanware’s vision and expertise in digitalization of production and their warehouse management system convinced us. Our co-operation has worked very well so far,” says Minna Hukkanen, Logistics Manager at Genelec.

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