In 2020, your warehouse enables your growth

A morning in a warehouse can start in many ways. For a healthy professional group, a Monday morning can start as efficiently as any other day of the week or it can be based on prioritizing the correcting of previous week’s errors over the actual work order. Mistakes occur, when people work and there is no system in place to stop the mistakes from happening. But if you notice that the basic activities revolve more and more around analyzing or correcting, it might be a good idea to stop and consider that could the cycle be broken.

Understanding the current situation starts with understanding the company’s history. When, back in the day, the business started to grow promisingly, it was only natural to use the storage space available and, as the product amounts grew, to meet the increased workload by hiring competent people to work in the warehouse. This has been a very right decision and operations model. I believe, that the system you have used has also grown with your operations. Often, as growth occurs, functions that support the warehouse’s operations have also been coded into the ERP and this has been one way to print collecting lists to support the collecting work. As someone who has heard this story many times, I have come to the following conclusion.

Growth in business vs recruitment pressure in warehouse

Our experience shows that once the warehouse personnel is 3–4 people, including the warehouse manager, it is advisable to stop as the next recruitment need is created, and to go through the possibilities of the system solution that manages the warehouse. A good and directive WMS solution enables keeping the same number of warehouse employees while also handling the amount of additional work, both current and that brought on by growth and you can, for example, eliminate colleting errors at the same time.

The operations of a high-quality WMS is always based on supporting your warehouse’s operations, automatic optimising of work duties and motivating the personnel. As a result, you have on every day of the week the opportunity to keep the delivery time promises made to customers and, at the same time, to reach the level of +99.9% in collecting and balance accuracy – a day well spent!

WMS is the best friend of both an ERP solution and an online shop

Just like all living organisms in our world, every system has its own purpose and area of expertise. The purpose of the WMS solution is to focus solely on supporting the warehouse’s processes – and be the best at it. WMS’s reason for existing is to serve the operations happening in the warehouse during the order-supply process. The lack of WMS is often apparent when the orders are not collected, packaged or delivered in the optimal way, but instead the warehouse duties are distributed through physical collecting lists, for example, in which case the duties are often also completed pursuant to what kinds of papers the employees want to take into their workload.

The benefits of a WMS system are easy to implement

Leanware supports the operational growth of warehouses of all sizes. Leanware offers experience and competence acquired during two decades and through hundreds of warehouses. Today, all this competence is at your service, independent from whether your warehouse is only starting to grow or has already operated in the market for a long time.

The WMS solution is easy to implement from the cloud. This becomes possible once we are more familiar with the processes of you operations. For the purpose of mapping out the processes, we can offer for your use the Huippuvarasto® tool that has been proven to be good and whose contents our experts will go over together with you and the key people of the warehouse. As a result of this, you will have a strong document for continuing the operational development.

How to get started

It is easy! – We have compiled a competent team who will go over the opportunities of your future development path together with you.

Contact us or report a colleague we could assist in mapping out their warehouse’s development path. We are happy to come visit or to discuss matters remotely in order to find out the next stepping stones – we can do all this independent from your system, with the needs of your business as the focus point. Leanware supports warehouses.

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